My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: Some TLC just for me

Saturday 10 December 2011

Some TLC just for me

So what wise words of wisdom are on the agenda for today?
Me time. That's what. Now when I say/write that I don't mean just chill out and do absoloutely nothing because really, how is that me time? That's stress me out because I got nothing acomplished and all the shiz overwhelming me is still there time? I mean the time where you do something for yourself, and that can be anything at all.

For instance, whenever I feel particulary stressed out or anxious (i suffer with terrible anxiety whenever i'm around other people) it's usually because I don't feel ok in myself, if I think i smell or my hair looks greasy, or my clothes are bad, or i look fat. So me time means getting a new haircut to make yourself feel great again (Got one yesterday :P I'll put on a piccy soon as i can, coz i'm sure your all utterly enthralled to see it XD)

Or going right 'deep cleanse' something I love to do. Which is where you go into the bathroom, have a shower, a proper long shower where you layer on shampoo, conditioner, shower gel. Make yourself smell and feel lovely. Then get out, dry off, put on a face mask, cleanse your skin. Floss your teeth, brush your hair, dry it and style it, spray on some perfume. All pretty mediocre stuff really, stuff you probably do everyday (if you can remember to do all of that) but doing it all in one go just makes me feel like i've really taken care of myself. I feel all clean and pretty. So that's me time.

Perhaps me time could just mean putting time aside to do something you've been wanting to do for ages. Maybe it's been a week since you last went swimming? So screw it all, don't fret about all the stuff you could be doing instead of swimming, pack your bags and go (or ask your parent to take you, or money for a travelcard-if your like me :P ) try to think of it as doing something useful rather than doing something instead of something else. Because if going swimming is something you love to do, then your giving yourself a reward for slogging it through for so long, and who knows. Maybe doing something you love again will give you the fuel to keep on doing the stuff you don't love so much.

Or going back to the first point i ever made about going back to the source. If your feeling overwhelmed by stuff, like, WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL? IT'S NOT LIKE I'M ACTUALLY GONNA NEED A LEVEL'S TO BE A '..insert future career option here'.. yes that's been me. Then just remind yourself logically why you need to be doing what your doing. Perhaps it's 'i want to get into a good university so that i can get a good job to fund my future career'  or  maybe it's 'A levels do look good on CV's, and the job market is getting harder and harder to banter in' or if your already working 'i need to be doing this job to pay the bills and save, so that i can finally end up doing what i love'
Perhaps on more drastic levels, me time would be re-evaluating something for yourself. 'This job I'm bogged down in? Has it actually helped me achieve my goals, or am i STILL stuck in that same rut? Maybe I need to look elsewhere.'
The point i'm trying to make is, me time is doing something that helps you out, no matter how big or how small. This morning, my me time was being in my room and picking up the first few clothes on my floor that had begun to assemble there again. I thought to myself 'if i let my room get into a mess, I'll start to feel cluttered again, and stressed with my mum nagging me to clean it, so i'd better start now and get it out of the way.' Putting those clothes away took less than 3 minutes, and probably saved me an eventual hour of tidying up.

As a filler, because I find lots of text immensely boring, here is a piccy i doodled of how i feel a lot of the time, all the thoughts and things defining me running round my head in the space of say, 5 minutes. And yes, red is my ultimate love for hair, but until the red craze dies down, I'm staying every other colour :P
So now i'm off to do some more me time, by organising my school work, it's stressful, difficult me time, but i know that once it's done. I will feel so unbelievably grateful and less stressed. And that's kinda the point don't ya think? :)

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