My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: February 2012

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Ok so after reading this article on the benefits of Coffee on this (great, don't get me wrong) ADHD blog, I tried drinking a Mocha before school, completely forgetting that I had already taken my concerta meds or maybe just acting on impulse i.e. not thinking it through..BAD IDEA.
I spent the next 7 hours more hyped than I've ever been without any medication AT ALL. I was twitchy, my hand shook uncontrollably, I literally couldn't focus on anything for more than a second (usually I can for at least a minute! >.<) and my heart was going waay too rapidly to feel comfortable. Plus I was growing ever more tense and angry because i couldn't get through to CAMS for any Bleedin advice, what a fat lot of good they are. So in the end I got home and blew a total fuse.

I guess all that therapy and medication must not have been working all so great coz all those suppressed urges to destroy stuff and get mad just came rushing up in one insane burst. I smashed a mug (it literally feels so good to do that), Hurtled my ADHD meds at the wall in their stupid circle container and broke it and sent them flying, Chucked a load of stuff around then put it back again, Burnt paper, Painted a strip of wall with gold paint, made red handprints on my white bedroom wall with paint, cut off a bit of my hair, sprayed water everywhere. Just..virtually any urge I got I just did it. It was mad. I felt so deluded...I screamed and jumped up and down and made a ton of noise (noone was home). Just BANGING ON THE FLOOR. It felt so horrible and so good. Like a massive release but at the same time like It was just a step before something worse..

anyway I'm pretty sure the trip out from the Coffee sent me over, so my piece of advice for today is bloody simple. DO NOT MIX CONCERTA AND COFFEE! EVER.

Monday 20 February 2012

Hi all.

So I've been absent for ages which probably hasn't helped me get any more followers but i'm back now. I've mostly been absent because I haven't been following my own advice (SHOCK HORROR) but i'm really trying to change. To externalise my confidence and use the wonder that is putty to take out my desire to break stuff :D!
Anyway, it's a new day and a new hair colour and i'm hoping that from now till may i will be kicking butt with getting shit done! Not too optimistic, but miracles can happen..

In regards to my *cough-daily-cough* piece of advice, it's think stuff conciously, I know all too well that having ADHD is like having this wind turbine of thoughts and feelings constantly rushing through you, and it's literally imp--robable to turn it off, without numbing yourself entirely. Therefore I urge you to catch the thoughts, try hard to hold onto them and think about them properly.
It helps.
For me at least.
By this I mean, don't just think 'I like socks' then hold onto that, obviously :P but instead I mean, 'I will work, I will, work' and eventually that mentality should rub off, even if only a little.
Anyway I'm off now to write an essay on the wonder that is the human genome :D -_-
Have fun, stay relatively sane and be proactive (in the most uncheesy sense of the word :S)
Ok so now a creepy, and not so creepy piccy of my pink hair (yes i'm using this blog as a colour log too, sue me...or dont :D)

Wednesday 1 February 2012


If you've got ADHD or are around someone with it then I can pretty much say with about 99.9% certainty that you will have experienced horrid exhaustion at some point.
So how to cope with it?
Well really i'll start with stating the obvious (because obvious doesnt always mean remembered :) )
Then I'll go onto my own different (hopefully) less obvious tactics.
Sleep more!
Eat healthier!
Do more exercise 0_o I knooow, but really it releases endorphins and helps you sleep better counteracting any unhelpful sleepless nights.
And finally try and avoid electronic stuff late at night or early in the morning :)

Now my own added advice.
Baths are great but showers are better in my opinion, hot showers are so much nicer because they keep you clean, you can use tons of shower gel and stuff to make yourself feel all pretty and you dont end up stewing in heat like in a hot bath because you can step aside from a hot shower relatively easily.

Have a lazy day where you do absoloutely nothing, screw all responsibility and just chill.

And finally do something with other people, like watch a film, visit a friend, go swimming. Relax.
Hope some of it helps or at least confirms you're doing the right thing.
Good luck.
believe me I know how sucky exhaustion is (am currently sitting on the sofa with a lemsip and soothers. Stupid colds. )