My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: An introduction

Thursday 1 December 2011

An introduction

So hi there, anyone who happens to venture across this blog. This is gonna be all about living with having  ADHD and various other's disorders. I'll post about my adventure's, my changing style, my artwork, life with my family with advice to other's who also live with mental illness, piercing's, tattoo's and coping strategie's. I know that sounds like a right muddled mess but i'm hoping it'll prove interesting at least and inspiring at best :) So i guess to start i'll post my top 10 strategies for dealing with my ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) especially aimed at girl's as it's much rarer for women to have it than men! ^^

1. Just go with it (within reason, e.g being at school :p ) By that I mean if you get the urge to draw rather than work on some homework then go draw, get it out, you may end up creating something amazing. It's better to go with the feeling than put it off then feel utterly frustrated when you do try and do it later on, coz the moment's past (this goes for anything not just drawing urges :p, writing, dancing, watching T.V, reading, ANYTHING!

2. Take it one step at a time, it's something I often forget to do, but when I do remeber, boy oh boy does it help. Feel overwhelmed by all that stuff you've got to do so you end up procrastinating? Well break it down, think ok so this works due tomorrow, i'll do that first, then I'll do the work due in at the next latest date, and if your like me and feel bogged down by even personal tasks like picking up a bleeding pencil and working on how crappily you draw men don't stress. Look at point 1, when the time's right to do those personal hobbie's, you'll get that urge.Plus if you find you can't get yourself to work, break it down.
Think I'm gonna go upstairs to my room, now i'm sitting at my desk, now i'm getting out my work, now i'm picking up my pencil/turning on the laptop etc. It sounds dumb but it does work!

3. Get a whiteboard! I end up writing tons of lists that just get lost around my room or are so hastily scribbled their illegible, if you have a whiteboard you can pen it all down in one place, then rub them off and rewrite when it's done, it's neater and your far less likely to lose those lists or simply forget to look at them ^^'. That or get a billboard, or both! It helps with organisation too!

4. Keep tidy, i know that I let my room spiral into chaos o so easily, but once you declutter it's so much easier to think and get down to working or chilling. I find the time's i'm at my lowest my room is at it's messiest. Thats not to say some mess isn't good. Just not too much! :p

5. Take a break. But keep it short. When I take breaks i tend to extend them far too long then lose track of what I was originally doing, i suggest things like just making a cup of tea/coffee or your favourite drink. Putting on your favourite song, Keep them short and avoid tasks you'll end up hyperfocusing on. Like for me, if i start doing a jigsaw i get so obsorbed it's always one more piece, one more piece. Two hours later. Guess what? It's still one more piece! :p

6. Music. Healer of all broken souls. Seriously, whenever i feel down or unmotivated, without fail if i put on an uplifiting song i suddenly feel so much better. It really doesn't feel like it would but boy o boy it does! Same for if your feeling angry, put on angry music.

7. Go back to the source. Remind yourself why you want to do this, if your feeling overwhelmed (believe me I always feel that I have to remind myself it's worth it. For instance when I don't want to work on my science homework I might watch an episode of CSI or the big bang theory, then I'm reminded why I love it and suddenly I want to work on it again :p

8. Find that one thing. Try out anything and everything till you find that one thing that helps you. For me it's slidy puzzle's. If i'm feeling bored and hyperactive I take out one of those and calm for ages. It tends to be repetitive tasks. Like for me working at the charity shop is great because it means i get to be in a nice atmosphere doing soothing repetitive tasks. Course it helps if their are people to talk to that you get on with :p

9. Get help. A counsellor is good for one thing. GETTING IT ALL OUT! Ok so no problem was solved, ok so you still feel shit about that problem but at least it's no longer boiling inside of you, fermenting, slowly progressively being internalised. Getting it out at least means your not gonna burst it out to someone you might actually hurt.

10. Harness the ideas! Find a way to get all those crazy ass thoughts down. Mindmaps- I hate the buggers but boy do they work. Just write word after word after word after word. Think of it as a mind spring clean, like pouring out all the trash into the dustbin and discovering a few pearls that got lost in their. With ADHD if you can use it right, your naturally advantaged to be more imagintive than everyone else. SO use that to your advantage! :p
ok so I hope someone venture's across these and finds one of them helpful or even just finds it nice that they have someone to relate to ^^
I should probably go revise :D

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