My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: Exam week

Thursday 12 January 2012

Exam week

Is not even a fraction of how I feel, the real display would be a lot more terrifying. Some burning cities perhaps, or an exploding volcano. Exams just make me so...terrified. It's like I have to do well and the thought of getting less than an A scares the bejeezers outa me. Plus I have such a horrid long term memory, it seriously just makes me wanna break things. It's like, revise-cool yeah I know this, next day, BLANK. UGH!!!!
And I am seriously the worlds worst procrastinator, I procrastinate on everything, even the things I WANT to do, I mean what the heck?!

Anyway just wanted to update the ol' blog as it's been absent a while. Really the advice I have is just a re-itteration (Correct wording?) of some old advice I posted on here. Take a break. I mean sometimes It's good just to do something polar opposite to everything you've been doing. Nothing to drastically different. (I don't really like change, it confuses me) but say, going swimming.
I had a biology exam yesterday in the morning, then in the afternoon as I'd been revising all week, I decided to just go swimming with some friends. It was good, a nice break doing something I haven't done for what like...2 years?  (swimming with friends I mean, on our own.)

Even though I have chemistry tommorrow, so it's back on the nightmare wagon for today, and it doesn't help when you seem biologically pre-programmed to feel sick every day, every waking minute.

Break up the routine! :D

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