My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: Hi all.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Hi all.

So I've been absent for ages which probably hasn't helped me get any more followers but i'm back now. I've mostly been absent because I haven't been following my own advice (SHOCK HORROR) but i'm really trying to change. To externalise my confidence and use the wonder that is putty to take out my desire to break stuff :D!
Anyway, it's a new day and a new hair colour and i'm hoping that from now till may i will be kicking butt with getting shit done! Not too optimistic, but miracles can happen..

In regards to my *cough-daily-cough* piece of advice, it's think stuff conciously, I know all too well that having ADHD is like having this wind turbine of thoughts and feelings constantly rushing through you, and it's literally imp--robable to turn it off, without numbing yourself entirely. Therefore I urge you to catch the thoughts, try hard to hold onto them and think about them properly.
It helps.
For me at least.
By this I mean, don't just think 'I like socks' then hold onto that, obviously :P but instead I mean, 'I will work, I will, work' and eventually that mentality should rub off, even if only a little.
Anyway I'm off now to write an essay on the wonder that is the human genome :D -_-
Have fun, stay relatively sane and be proactive (in the most uncheesy sense of the word :S)
Ok so now a creepy, and not so creepy piccy of my pink hair (yes i'm using this blog as a colour log too, sue me...or dont :D)

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