My Zimbio
Top Stories A Darn Hectic Day: Exhaustion

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


If you've got ADHD or are around someone with it then I can pretty much say with about 99.9% certainty that you will have experienced horrid exhaustion at some point.
So how to cope with it?
Well really i'll start with stating the obvious (because obvious doesnt always mean remembered :) )
Then I'll go onto my own different (hopefully) less obvious tactics.
Sleep more!
Eat healthier!
Do more exercise 0_o I knooow, but really it releases endorphins and helps you sleep better counteracting any unhelpful sleepless nights.
And finally try and avoid electronic stuff late at night or early in the morning :)

Now my own added advice.
Baths are great but showers are better in my opinion, hot showers are so much nicer because they keep you clean, you can use tons of shower gel and stuff to make yourself feel all pretty and you dont end up stewing in heat like in a hot bath because you can step aside from a hot shower relatively easily.

Have a lazy day where you do absoloutely nothing, screw all responsibility and just chill.

And finally do something with other people, like watch a film, visit a friend, go swimming. Relax.
Hope some of it helps or at least confirms you're doing the right thing.
Good luck.
believe me I know how sucky exhaustion is (am currently sitting on the sofa with a lemsip and soothers. Stupid colds. )

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